23 October 2018
There are literally hundreds of caterers in Perth and it can be confusing selecting the right one for your event. Fortunately there are only a handful of professional, reputable caterers so the task of separating them can be simplified with a few easy questions
- Does the caterer have a commercial kitchen designed for catering? Don’t risk your important event on a caterer operating from a home or substandard kitchen. Catering for large numbers of guests requires a kitchen with cooking and refrigeration designed for the purpose. Food quality can deteriate very quickly if there is insufficient storage facilities. Ask to view your caterers kitchen, if it is clean, hygienic and professionally run they will be happy for you to see their ”Back of House” operation.
- Does the Caterer have the required licences to operate as a caterer. – Local council health departments issue licences in accordance with the business operations. Check to ensure your caterer is fully licenced. Food safe certification should also be held by the caterer to ensure staff are fully trained.
- What services can the caterer offer- Does the caterer have all crockery, cutlery glass ware, marquees, tables, chairs and kitchen equipment required for your event or are you expected to supply this? Does the caterer sub hire all of this and rely on a third party?
This can add substantially to your costs and time spent organizing if your caterer can not provide this service. - Is catering the company’s sole focus? – professional caterers are focused solely on function and event catering and are working to ensure that your event is a success. Some restaurants, cafés or even bars offer catering as a “sideline” to their business unfortunately on their busiest nights (usually a Friday or Saturday) their focus is not on your function. Don’t risk your special occasion on part time caterers.
- How will the food be transported- does the caterer have the required food transport vehicles or are they relying on staff to transport the food and equipment in the back of the cars?
- Can you speak to the Chef- you may want to customise a menu to include some of your favourite dishes or ingredients. A good caterer will happily work with you to personalize your menu to suit your special occasion.
- Reputation- Perth’s professional caterers have been operating for many years and have a solid client base who will happily recommend them or provide testimonials to their services. Ask for a copy of client testimonials or better still ask your friends of their experiences with your caterer.
The quality of catering is critical to the success of your event. Don’t risk your event, and the health of your guests, on an untested caterer.